
This section will teach you the API endpoints available in this wrapper and how to best use them in your own projects

Acceptable Use Policy

To interface properly with the RuneScape Wiki API, first review their acceptable use policy.

To assist in the user setup, each child class accepts a user_agent parameter. Each user should identify a method of contact which will be submitted in each request header. This allows the RuneScape Wiki staff to contact you and correct any misbehaving queries. I recommend using the format user_agent='{Project Name} - {Contact}'. The library contains a generic user agent which identifies you as using this wrapper and will warn you to use a custom user agent.

Basic Usage

The best practice for using this wrapper is to import the child Class for your use-case, for example to get the Real-Time OSRS Prices /latest data:

1from rswiki_wrapper import Latest
2latest_prices = Latest()

For a detailed description of the options with sample usage for each API Endpoint, see API Endpoints